Day 17 - Friday, 11 October 2024 - Cabrerets to Vers. ~10 klms, total ~334.3 klms., plus ~20klms by bus.
There is way too much to tell about today. It was our penultimate walking day, and I think the ultimate day in terms of the experience.
I'm just not going to have time to write today up, so this'll be a bullet-point highlight summary:
Grotte de Pech Merle
The Train Bridge
The River Lot Tow Path
La Truite Doree
Each deserves their own detailed story, and as I said time is agin me. So, as a teaser, here's a photo from each:
Photos were not allowed inside the cave, so the one below is from the accompanying museum.

2. The Train Bridge

Reported to be France's prettiest town.

Best accommodation we've had.

I'll write each of these up in detail later. In the meantime, the above will need to suffice.
This day was the highlight of the last 17. For those of you out there in Podiensis world, walk this day if nothing else.
You say walk this day, but you bussed some ? Looking forward to the mystery unfolding.
Yay! I’m SO thrilled you had such a spectacular day. You now have captured another of the photos that now hangs on my wall - the train trestle! That, along with the earlier stained glass window, remind me daily of this gorgeous route. Can’t wait for the write up of the full day 💜 Kerri